Struggles of a New Dog Trainer

Struggles of a New Dog Trainer

There are so many different aspects that go into dog training let alone running your own business.  For me, there were many struggles along the way from the minute I began my journey until now.  This blog is about when I first started in this business, the struggles...
When Is It Okay To Pet A Service Dog?

When Is It Okay To Pet A Service Dog?

A reader asked us this question.  While we do not train service dogs, we’ve had the pleasure of discussing the difference between a service dog and other dogs at local schools.   Service dogs are different from therapy dogs and emotional support dogs. These dogs are...
Tips To Desensitize Your Dog to Face Masks

Tips To Desensitize Your Dog to Face Masks

If the summer months don’t provide enough fearful triggers for our dogs– we’re talking fireworks and thunderstorms — this year we can add face masks to the list of possible reactivity issues. Throughout most of the United States, people are asked (or...